"Your book won't write itself." 

For years, you’ve been dreaming of writing a book. Maybe you’ve even gotten started on one. (Or two. Or three.)

But you keep hitting roadblocks.

  • You know what you want to say, but you’re not sure how to say it.
  • You want to write, but you don’t know how to find the time. 
  • When you do set aside time to write, you end up staring at a blank page.
  • You write reams of text one day, only to revisit it later and wonder what you were thinking. Who wrote this?
  • You know you have it in you, but the steps in the process feel overwhelming, and when you get stuck, you’re not sure where to turn. 

Imagine removing these roadblocks one by one.

  • Imagine finding the exact tools you need to start—and finish—your writing projects.
  • Imagine strengthening your writing skills and abilities in specific and targeted ways.
  • Imagine having a plan in place to protect your writing time.
  • Imagine turning off your inner critic.
  • Imagine writing your book.

Though it sometimes feels like an impossible feat, writing a book is not some mystical process.

People do it all the time.

So can you.


Introducing the

Tell Your Story Writing Workshop

Writing a book is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. 

As a member of Ruth Buchanan's seven-week Tell Your Story writing workshop, you will enjoy help, guidance, accountability, and expert coaching within the context of creative community.

In our warm and welcoming writer's workshop, writers of both fiction and nonfiction will enjoy

  • Help and inspiration
  • Outside perspectives
  • Courage to move forward
  • Encouraging environment
  • Safe space to present new work
  • Professional development and guidance
  • Discussion of publication pathways
  • Personalized mentorship
  • Stylistic growth
  • Live Q&A’s

The Tell Your Story writing workshop is a blend of live coaching and instruction, self-directed modules, direct writing guidance, encouragement, and personalized editorial feedback.

Gain an inside look at writing and publishing while enjoying creative community with other writers working toward similar goals.

Workshop Acceptance Includes:

  • 7 weeks of hands-on support, guidance, and accountability
  • 4 live workshop sessions (via Google Meet)
  • 3 self-directed modules
  • 1 one-on-one coaching appointment
  • professional feedback on book structure (synopsis/outline) and 2 completed chapters
  • access to a welcoming community of fellow writers
  • direct support on-demand
  • manageable deadlines (with honest and constructive feedback!)





Yes! I Want This!

I know exactly how you feel.

I’m Ruth Buchanan, Director of Literary Services at Build a Better Us and the creator of the TELL YOUR STORY writing workshop.

At one time, I was a full-time classroom teacher who liked to write on the side. I cherished a dream of publication but had no idea how to make my dream a reality.

My biggest hurdle was getting started.

I wasn’t sure how to complete a book, let alone take it to publication.

After spending thousands of dollars to attend conferences, take courses, and consult with experts, investing literally years of my life in alternating fits of frustration, flailing, and trial-and-error, I finally starting seeing reward for my efforts.

I’m the traditionally published author of nine books, five plays, countless articles, and more projects in the pipeline. 

I Want That, Too!

In my experience, here are a few fears that hold first-time authors back:

1. Fear of failure
2. Fear of commitment
3. Fear of vulnerability

If you’re feeling those things, let me reassure you.

You are totally normal! I still feel them every time I start a new project.

More than anything else, though, would-be authors tend to throw up their hands and say, “But I’m not really a writer!”

And guess what: you never will be until you start thinking of yourself as one.

Repeat after me:

“I am a writer, and I’m working on my first book.”

Currently Enrolling: September 10 - October 25, 2024

Workshop Overview

Week 1 – Live Workshop: Clarifying your message

  • Meet live Tuesday, September 10, (7pm-9pmEST)
  • Begin working on synopsis/outline 

Week 2 – Module: Finding your voice

  • Continue working on synopsis/outline
  • Complete self-directed module
  • Submit chapter breakdowns/outline (nonfiction) or synopsis (fiction), begin drafting Chapter 1

Week 3 – Live Workshop: Turning off your inner critic

  • Meet live Tuesday, September 24, (7pm-9pmEST)
  • Work on Chapter 1

Week 4 – Module: Streamlining your prose

  • Complete self-directed module
  • Submit Chapter 1

Week 5 – Live Workshop: "Is it ready?"

  • Meet live Tuesday, October 8, (7pm-9pmEST). Please note that we meet on Monday this week to avoid Halloween on Tuesday.
  • Begin drafting Chapter 2

Week 6 – Module: Pursuing publication pathways

  • Complete self-directed module
  • Submit Chapter 2

Week 7 – Live Workshop: Planning your next steps

  • Meet live Tuesday, October 22, (7pm-9pmEST)
  • Meet with Ruth for personalized feedback and individual coaching session (will be scheduled on or before October 25.)* 

*Live sessions and individual coaching via Google Meet. 


Upcoming 2024 sessions:

  • September 10 - October 25, 2024 [Registration opens August 12]

Come join us.


Heather Thompson Day

-Author of I'll See You Tomorrow

The publishing industry is hard. You will need to put your best foot forward, and I believe Ruth can help you do that.

Amy Sondova

-Tell Your Story workshop alum

Ruth Buchanan takes chances on people when she sees even a glimmer of talent.  That’s what she did for me.

Eric Schumacher

-Author of Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women and My Last Name

Ruth Buchanan is all you can ask for in a writing coach: seasoned and humble, tough and tender, affirming and challenging. From start to finish, it is evident that  Ruth is for you, the writer, and will do all she can to see you succeed. If you’re looking for solid coaching (and cheerleading!), Ruth Buchanan is a writer’s best friend.

Malinda Just

-Tell Your Story workshop alum

I learned something new in each live session that I applied to my writing process. Ruth's tips were immediately helpful for the task at hand, and I'm confident they will also prove valuable for any future writing endeavor, big or small. 


One-Time Payment



  • 7 weeks of hands-on support, guidance, and accountability
  • 4 live, 2-hr. workshop sessions 
  • 3 self-directed modules
  • 1 one-on-one coaching appointment
  • Book focus narrowed and chapter breakdowns (nonfiction) or synopsis (fiction) completed and professionally evaluated
  • 2 chapters completed during the workshop professionally revised for clarity and style

2-Payment Plan



  • 7 weeks of hands-on support, guidance, and accountability
  • 4 live, 2-hr. workshop sessions 
  • 3 self-directed modules
  • 1 one-on-one coaching appointment
  • Book focus narrowed and chapter breakdowns (nonfiction) or synopsis (fiction) completed and professionally evaluated
  • 2 chapters completed during the workshop professionally revised for clarity and style